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12 April1947
Stefania Geronazzo
Music & mix audio by Pierpaolo Ovarini | Scuola di Sound Design del Conservatorio di Musica di Bologna.

Scenes of Stefania Corradi Cervi and Franco Geronazzo's wedding preparations at the 19th-century Villa Anguissola Scotti in Collecchio, south of Parma. Preparations are being made for this great event, which the 16mm camera marks precisely, step by step. We show the beginning of this beautiful wedding film. About to get married, the marquise Stefania Corradi Cervi looks at herself in the mirror and appears ready for the fateful moment. The film continues but we stop at the beginning. On the same date of this high society wedding in Emilia, in Rome at Tre Fontane, the site of the martyrdom of the most famous of converts, St. Paul, Our Lady appears to Bruno Cornacchiola. The tram driver Bruno thus re-embraces the Catholic faith after having abjured and even planned to kill Pope Pius XII despite his wife's attempts to keep him anchored to the faith. There is a need for conversions in this Italy in the balance, with political camp choices now approaching. Evidently there is concern at the top and so an apparition of Our Lady is at least timely: 'I am the Virgin of Revelation. You pursue me. Enough now! Enter the holy fold. What God has promised is and remains unchangeable: the nine Fridays of the Holy Heart, which you celebrated, urged on by the love of your faithful bride before you finally took the path of error, saved you," so she addresses Bruno. Meanwhile Stefania said yes.
