That young man had high hopes one by one dashed by reality. It had always gone wrong for him because he did not know that others were not serious..." On 19 January 1972, the film Il giovane rottame (The Young Wreck) by artist Andrea Granchi was screened at the Flori Gallery in Florence. This was the first presentation of this film, on the occasion of the personal exhibition that the gallery dedicated to the artist. Based on a short story by Granchi himself, who impersonates the young wreckage, it is an imaginative and ramshackle biography (a bitter parody? a coming-of-age novel in reverse?) in Super8 that makes ample use of materials, documents, images and objects representing the stratifications of a life, starting from childhood. Film, which we celebrate with an excerpt, homemade with extremely artisanal means and part of a broader artistic project (Il giovane rottame is also a photographic series). Baroque music by Giuseppe Torelli and Baldassarre Galuppi with improvised sound interventions by Andrea Granchi and Renato Ranaldi.