The cover of the Domenica del Corriere of 16 May 1948 shows the drawing of the Chamber's hemicycle at the first meeting of the elected representatives of the first legislature, just a few days earlier. The democratic Italian Republic had just been born, full of hope and good omens. On that day, a group of boys and girls in Sarnano, in the Sibillini mountains, are having fun on the meadows, doing happy somersaults, the merry-go-round and the toy train. They celebrate without knowing it. Some of them were born when there was still war, others are the same age as the Republic. And they have the future ahead of them. These 9.5mm images of the Galeazzi family seem to bear witness to that, at least symbolically. However, we do not know their names and what their lives will really be like. We can only imagine it and put hope in their smiles. On the other hand, there seems little hope for the Italian national football team, still reigning world champions due to the war that no longer allowed the World Cup to be held after 1938. In the friendly match played that day in Turin, the English masters imposed themselves with a peremptory 4 to 0.