In January 1965, the Soviet partisan Anatolij Makarovič Tarasov returned to Italy and visited the Cervi family. Captured by the Germans on the Eastern Front, he had arrived in our country as a Wehrmacht auxiliary, but managed to escape by finding refuge in Gattatico, at Casa Cervi. Here he joined the Reggio Emilia Resistance, but was arrested together with the seven Cervi brothers on 25 November 1943: unlike them, he was taken to prison, but still managed to escape and fight until the Liberation. All his life he remained in contact with Papà Cervi. Who knows if, after this moving encounter filmed by Franco Cigarini, they will have watched together the images of the crowd of people gathered along the Thames to honour Winston Churchill's body. A river of people, the newspapers write: among them, even British royalty (and never before in history) and heads of state from all over the world. Also the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Konstantin Rudnev and Marshal Ivan Konev, victorious commander in several World War II campaigns, but also in the terrible repression in Budapest in 1956. A few years earlier, in 1961, he had been called to command the Soviet forces during the Berlin crisis, which culminated in the erection of the Wall.